Guidelines for Selecting
Alternative Cancer Therapies

RobertsReview in no way endorses, recommends, or is cognizant of research details, safety, or efficacy of purported conventional medical treatments or natural or alternative forms of care or other information made available on this site.  All patients and visitors should carefully research treatment options and make decisions based on guidance from a trained oncologist.  The guidelines below pertain equally to the selection of natural, alternative, or traditional medical treatments:

  • Look for citations and articles in real medical journals or scientific conferences that detail exactly how and why a therapy works. Even though the medical establishment isn't generally supportive of natural therapies, there are professional medical journals devoted to alternative medicine, such as the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. Find them, read them, and then get several second opinions concerning the potential treatment efficacy of any alternative treatment plan...preferrably from a trained, well rounded, oncologist who is up-to-date on latest traditional and non-traditional treatments.

  • Find a medical physician/oncologist who is willing to work with you and will discuss, explain, or, when necessary, debunk fraudulent claims from unethical alternative treatment promoters.

  • Look for understandable scientific explanations that make sense. Don't blindly accept claims that sound too good to be true or are odd sounding, such as; "making your blood alkaline stops all cancers" or "parasites are the cause of all diseases" or "simple electro-magnetic device detects cancer" or "this treatment is the cure for all cancers."

  • Look for therapies that do not require you to travel to other countries. Many so-called 'alternative cancer clinics' in foreign countries will take your money but cannot help you. Most of these clinics are located in countries like Mexico and various South American and European countries. Often, the standards for medical care are poor, safety and anti-fraud measures - weak, and patient follow-up reporting on efficacy - nonexistent.

  • Do not believe everything you read or see on the internet. Just because the claims or the "look" of the site appear professional, many alternative treatment promoters are, sadly, hucksters who are more interested in emptying your wallet than in your being cured. They spend enormous amounts of money to "look" professional and ethical...but are not. Often they attempt to overwhelm you with jargon and meaningless technical or medical terminology. They frequently play on the emotions of sick and desperate patients who are at their most vulnerable both emotionally and mentally. Be careful. Think.

  • Look for therapies that have documented and VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE that they work. This should include pre- and post-treatment CT scans, blood tests, MRIs, Xrays, biopsies, and registered physician reports, etc. that assess pre- and post-treatment details. These prove people really had the disease in the first place and that they were professionally tested afterwards by standard medical practices to verify that the
    therapy was successful.

  • Look for therapies that have no 'secret' ingredients. Reputable medical researchers and clinicians dedicated to fight disease make their discoveries public knowledge. In fact, they INVITE traditional medical experts, researchers, media, chemists, microbiologists, oncologists and others to SCRUTINIZE their procedures and pre and post treatment results. Reputable alternative treatments will not offer you "stories" of cures or personal testimonies...but facts, data, and reviews by independent, reputable, well known and respected cancer treatment/diagnosis experts from traditional medical and scientific fields.

Two cancer regimens that meet
many of these guidelines:

1. Protease inhibition therapy involving a combination of vitamin C, lysine, proline, and green tea extract neutralized protease. The regimen focuses on the common mechanism that all cancers use
to spread. (Cancer spreads by destroying collagen, using an enzyme called protease.)

Dr. Matthias Rath leads research in this area. (See:

The advantage of Rath's therapy is that you are in charge of your
own health, using your oncologist to monitor your progress.

Rath sells an integrated regimen through the Rath Health Alliance, but makes no secret of the ingredients, which you can purchase at your local health food store.

2.  Intravenous IV vitamin C therapy. Dr. Hugh Riordan's Center for the Improvement Of Human Functioning International has used intravenous vitamin C to successfully reverse some cancers. (See:

Finding clinicians to administer the therapy may be difficult. The therapy needs supervision by a naturopathic-oriented medical doctor.

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